


本公司所售賣的刺身大部分均為急凍貨品,進食前需預留時間解凍。請勿以微波爐或其他加熱方式進行快速解凍,溫度不足及非專業的加熱會導致細菌迅速滋生。三文魚刺身 及 海膽刺身為冰鮮貨品,毋需解凍即可食用。請勿急凍存放及建議收貨即日食用。詳情請閱讀每項產品所列出的存放溫度。如有任何疑問,請致電本公司查詢。Most of Sashimi Products are FROZEN products, please reserve time for defrosting before it served.(Please do not use microwave to defrosting the sashimi) Salmon Sashimi and Sea Urchin Sashimi are CHILLED products. Please do not place them in FROZEN and finish all CHILLED food immediately when you received. Please Check the Storage Details shown on the product. Feel free to call us for more details.

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